OST - The Darjeeling Limited
Tuesday, October 2, 2007 at 09:00AM
soundscapes in Soundtracks

ost-darjeeling.jpgFilm director Wes Anderson is almost as loved for his meticulously curated soundtracks as his idiosyncratic movies. From the mod explosion of Rushmore to the Portugeuse revisions of Bowie classics on The Life Aquatic, the man has some seriously eclectic, well-honed tastes. The Darjeeling Limited keeps his streak alive, matching cuts from Anderson faves The Kinks and Rolling Stones with theme music from a slew of Bollywood classics. The midsection is dominated by Indian themes, then bookended by Western music (both rock and classical), making things a touch segregated, but still fascinating and fun.

Article originally appeared on Soundscapes - 572 College Street Toronto (http://www.soundscapesmusic.com/).
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