Regardless of Gord Downie's state of health (an unavoidable angle looking at this LP) this is easily the most adventurous, left-field Hip LP in a very long time. It's moody and sombre, but it's also full of moments that see a veteran band eager to prove themselves all over again, eager to make the most of the possibilites offered them by a studio. Downie's solo work has always been wilder and more rangey compared to that of his day job. Here, the rest of the band meet him halfway and the results are both surprising and quietly thrilling.
"Co-produced by Kevin Drew (Broken Social Scene) and Dave Hamelin (The Stills), this is the Hip at their most challenging, and least immediately accessible. But while some of the experiments with texture and colour don't land — the Kid A-inspired opening track, "Man," is a little too Kid A-inspired, I'm afraid — much of the record is driven by a welcome sense of discovery and of artistic experimentation.
Propelled by Gordon Downie's distinctive vocals, the best sounding studio drumming of Johnny Fay's career and a relaxed intimacy between guitarists Rob Baker, Paul Langlois and bassist Gord Sinclair, Man Machine Poem is the Tragically Hip's most cohesive release since at least Music @ Work.
Goddamnit, I just don't want — nobody wants — this to be the last album by one of Canada's most consistently rewarding bands. But what a piece of luck that we get to have this record. What a piece of luck that we've been able to enjoy their music for so many years. What a piece of luck that we'll always have the Tragically Hip. Fully, completely. Ours." - Exclaim!