MOKIRA - Persona

It goes without saying that we're always on the lookout for new music, so thanks to the mighty Boomkat (as well as the recommendation of one of our regular customers) for the tip on this one. Although Sweden's Andreas Tilliander has been crafting electronic music for the better part of the last decade, releasing self-described 'clip-hop' on Raster-Noton and Mille Plateaux in the early '00s, his music as Mokira for the Type label (this disc follows 2004's Album) strips the beats away and finds him fashioning finely-honed ambient floaters. Most of Persona is a seamless suite, making it all the easier to get carried off into its drift, as its elements crossfade from crackle-and-hiss-laden treatments to weighty feedback murk, with percussive shards spiking out and eventually clanking together some semblance of melody. Tilliander's recent straight-up TB-303 techno (released under his own name, and heard on his MySpace page) creeps in obtusely on "Valla Torg Kraut", while the home stretch turns to Spiritualized and Spacemen 3 for inspiration, only to then take a deep breath and plunge back into the depths for a misty tape-fuzz finale.
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