WHITE DENIM - Corsicana Lemonade
Imagine a slightly more angular Black Keys, or maybe a modern-day equivalent to the likes of Little Feat—better still, stop imagining, take a listen to White Denim's newest, and enjoy the fifth full-length from a band that we've been enthused about for a while now, yet still remains remarkably underheard!
"For White Denim, Corsicana Lemonade (named after a city in Navarro County, Texas) was a chance to make an album which sounded more like the band's live show than anything else. While the band's run of albums such as Workout Holiday, Fits and D were full of complex and intricate wig-outs, the live show was always more about sheer visceral instinct of a powerhouse band making an infectious, fuzzy, stonking racket.
One of the problems with previous recordings, says frontman James Petralli, was that there was no outside voice to say no or tell them to stop. 'When we did all the recordings ourselves, Josh [Block, White Denim's drummer] was the man in charge at the mixing desk, and he'd never say no when I wanted to add a tenth guitar part onto a track...We wanted to make sure [this] record had some of the live show energy and a kind of gut instinct." - The Irish Times
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