Fans of Real Estate’s previous efforts will find nothing to complain about with Atlas. Their trademark breezy sound is instantly recognizable, full of beautiful, jangly guitar melodies. The band's records always evoke seasonal descriptives from critics (much to the confusion of the band), but it is hard to hear this record without thinking longingly of warm weather just around the corner.
"Now, with their collective early 20s internalized and in the rearview, Real Estate shift focus to a matter with far less capacity for composed handling: looking forward. Their third LP, Atlas, trades in 20/20 hindsight for the courage of trying to grasp an endlessly unclear future. Look no further than the alarmingly forward lyric that opens Side B opener 'Crime,' one that wouldn’t have been allowed within a mile of Days: “Toss and turn all night/ Don’t know how to make it right/ Crippling anxiety.” In stark contrast to Days, Courtney is struggling with the impossibility of appreciating what he doesn’t know or understand; just like Days, the laid-back tone in his voice couldn’t be more misleading." - TIME

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